New File Upload Sizes
For our Enhance and Bells & Whistles clients, the size of files that your applicants can upload just got larger! And, at no extra cost.
Now, applicants for Enhance clients can upload up to 10 MB files. And, applicants for Bells & Whistles accounts can upload up to 20 MB files. Applicants at our Create level can still upload files up to 5 MB.
Also, we improved the upload process for all applicants by immediately warning the applicant that their file is too large before even attempting the upload. So, the applicant gets a better experience.
So, if your programs require your applicants to upload larger files such as brochures, higher resolutions photos, or print images, then take advantage of this new improvement. No action is required on your part - your programs will automatically accept these larger file sizes.
Stay tuned for additional upload file improvements later this summer.