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Single Sign-On Now Available!

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For Abila/netFORUM and Personify Systems

We are very excited to announce the release of Single Sign-On (SSO) capability for customers using Abila/netFORUM and Personify member management or association management systems.  SSO is a user authentication process that permits a user to enter just one name and password in order to access multiple applications.  In other words, applicants and evaluators only have to log into their organization's management system, then they can be directed to the SmarterSelect service without also having to log into SmarterSelect.  They don't have to create a new account and password with us!  Now, the SmarterSelect service operates seamlessly with your system for your members.SSO is now available at the Bells & Whistles level.  So contact our Support team to see how to upgrade your account to enable this really exciting feature.

More to come...

SmarterSelect is interested in adding additional SSO integrations to our service, so if you use LDAP, Aptify, YourMembership, or another type of member management system and are interested in working with us to implement those integrations, please send us a note.


SmarterSelect will be hosting a web conference briefing and demonstration of Single Sign-On on Wednesday, September 16 at 2:00 PM EDT.  No need to RSVP, just join the call with the webinar link and phone number information below.  

1.  Please join my meeting.

2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +1 (571) 317-3112

Access Code: 730-553-125

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 730-553-125