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NEW! Import & Custom Sort for Multiple Choice

We have officially released our second phase of the new Multiple Choice question editor and we're excited to share it with you! With this release you have two new options in the editor:

Import Choices

You can now use a list from a .csv, xls, or .xlsx file to import answer choices for those longer lists. Simply click the Import Choices link and upload your file. Answer choices from the first column of your file will automatically be added to the editor.

Custom Sort

In the first phase release, Multiple Choice new answer choices are saved in alphanumeric order. We have now added an option to allow you to determine the list order of your answer choices. Simply check the box to override and you'll unlock the ability to drag-and-drop answer choices in any order you choose. Just one more way to have your application form how you want it.


We are always listening, so keep your eye out for more features and improvements - big and small - as we move through 2018!