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Award More. Work Less.

With SmarterSelect’s Awards feature, program managers can create funds, assign awards, and send notification emails to selected candidates. You can

  • Seamlessly distribute scholarships and grants to applicants quickly and efficiently
  • Track award funds along every step of the program period
  • Save time and energy with automatic notifications for award recipients 


Create Scholarship Funds and Assign Awards 

Create funds and assign award amounts to applicants for scholarships and grants.

When it comes to creating scholarship funds and assigning awards, SmarterSelect makes the process simple and efficient. With our easy-to-use platform, you can create scholarship funds ahead of time, and then assign awards to deserving recipients when the time comes. 

You’ll start by providing SmarterSelect with a fund name, description, logo, and starting balance of the fund. From there, you can customize your application to collect the information you need from applicants, and our easy-to-use selection tools make it easy to identify the most qualified candidates.

When it’s time to assign your awards, the admin of your scholarship program can quickly select the recipient applications from the applicant’s table, click a button to “Assign Award,” add in award amounts and any necessary notes, and voila! With a few clicks, your funds will be awarded to the intended parties.


Track the Awarded Amounts 

Track amounts awarded and fund amount remaining.

It’s never been easier to track the amounts of money awarded to recipients and the funds remaining in your program fund. Thanks to SmarterSelect, once you have chosen recipients for your program to receive an award, the process is as simple as click, award, and track!

Your program manager decides the amount that will be awarded to each recipient, and once those funds are authorized, SmarterSelect will show you how much money is left in the fund based on the starting balance and the awards already assigned. The current balance item will help you keep track of the precise amount of money remaining for you to distribute.

Export the applicant awards information to a spreadsheet for your finance organization for fund distribution payments to universities and other institutions.  Perhaps using SmarterSelect’s SendGrant product.

Never again will you have to worry about overdrawing your funds, or whether you have enough left to distribute to your deserving recipients! Get a Free Demo and you’ll see that SmarterSelect has your back every step of the process.


Notify Applicants of Their Awards 

Send emails notifying applicants of their awards with links for award acceptance.

SmarterSelect is excited to offer program managers a solution that will help simplify the award management process for organizations. Our software provides an easy way to track awarded amounts, ensure that all payments are made in a timely manner, and track the fund amount remaining.

With a single click, program administrators can deploy notification emails to recipients using SmarterSelect. Award amounts are decided by each program’s manager, and the current balance and remaining amount will be calculated automatically within SmarterSelect based on both the starting balance as well as the awards already assigned for distribution. 

From there, the amount remaining will show up in your current balance so you can easily track what you have left to distribute as you assign awards.


Create Donor Pages 

Create donor pages with links regarding donor info.

When it comes to online giving, donor pages are a must. SmarterSelect award management software makes it easy to create these donor pages with links related to relevant donor information. 

Donor pages can be created in SmarterSelect with the name of the fund, the fund’s description, and an image. A link is then provided to the admin to embed on websites and within emails.

These donor pages not only encourage your candidates to get more information about sponsors and contributors to your scholarship funds, but they also help donors get the word out about causes they are contributing to. It’s always nice to give recognition where it is due.

Easy to use Grant and Scholarship Management Software

The sales team and support teams are very responsive and helpful. We chose SmarterSelect for the price and the timeline to set it up. We also considered Foundant for Grantmakers and AwardSpring 

Executive Assistant

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1. How can I create scholarship funds using SmarterSelect? 

To create a fund, simply follow these steps:

  • Click the button that says “Awards” at the top of the screen, and then click on “Manage Funds” from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on the “New Fund” button.
  • Enter a name for your fund, and its starting amount. At this stage, you can also include a description and any additional information for the offer or awards letters. Add a logo if you wish to include one as well. Finally, you will click on the “Save” button.

Your fund will then be created. Next, click on the pen icon if you wish to edit it. If you choose to delete it instead, you can click the trash can icon.

2. How can I track the awarded amounts using SmarterSelect? 

The awards table provides fields to track the awarded amount. These fields include fund, award amount, program, and award status.

3. How does SmarterSelect help me notify applicants of their awards? 

To notify awardees about the awards you have assigned to them, follow these steps:

  • Click the button that says “Awards” from the left-hand menu.
  • Select the award(s) your notification is related to, and then click on the “Notify” button.
  • Next, click on “Yes” to confirm you wish to proceed with the notification.
  • A new pop-up window will be displayed on your screen to confirm the offer letter has been sent, and the award status will change to “Awaiting Response.”

Once the award is accepted by the applicant, the status will change to “Accepted.”

Though it is rare for this to occur, if the applicant rejects the award for any reason, it will be listed as “Declined”.

Award Notification Email

  • To create or edit your award notification email, click on “Awards” at the top of the screen, and then click on “Notification Emails” from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the fund you wish to create or edit the award notification email for
  • Type your notification email subject line and message. Then click on the “Save” button.