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Program Organization, Bulk Actions, & Custom Views

Want to know how many applications you have of a given status at a glance? Or have a spreadsheet version of your programs and their basic information? Even more, have you ever wanted to visually organize your programs?

Well now you can with the updated My Programs table. These updates allow you to:

Program Categories quick demo
  • tag your programs and create views based on those tags
  • create custom views to show only the programs you need to see at that moment
  • see how many applications are submitted versus incomplete in a given program
  • quickly get your application link or a set of links without going into each program
    export program level data into CSV format

If you go to your My Programs page now, you will see an in-app walkthrough video and articles that will help get you acquainted with this new functionality.

You can also read this article or watch this video to learn more.